Monday, August 30, 2010


We have been doing a lot of landscaping this summer. I thought I would show you some of the progress that we have been making. This is the fince and arch that I made during the winter. I put it up as soon as spring cam. Below I cut out the grass and made the path for the pavers. We are putting in a rock garden with several kinds of flowers.
As you can see I got help from unexpected sources. As you can see, the help was greatly appreciated. I am making progress. Hopefully you will be able to see the finished product shortly.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Progress toward spring

We have had a lot of rain this week which melted a lot of our snow. We are beginning to see grass show up on the lawn and some of the snow banks are coming down a lot. This is a picture of the bushes in front of our house. The Yew is still mostly covered but some of the barbaries are beginning to show. We could not see any of this last Sunday but the rain really took the snow away.

This Yews south of the driveway are just beginning to show. They look like they are really twisted up, so we will see what happens when the snow melts. Hopefully the weight hasn't broken a lot of branches.

This is what is left of the big snow bank at the end of our driveway. Mom and I have a bet on when we will see all of the driveway. She chose April 1 and I chose April 5.

The rabbits ate a lot of the branches from our Korean Lilac tree. You can see that the bark is all off the branches. These branches are about 4 feet off the ground and were at snow level. I wonder if they will come back.

For anyone who is still nostalgic for winter, it will not all be gone tomorrow. This bank looks like it is going to be around for awhile.
We are looking forward to spring. hopefully in a couple of weeks we can have a couple of pictures of green grass and buds on the trees.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

This is our first contribution to our blog so we thought we should show some pictures of the snow. These pictures were taken this morning after church. We have had snow like this since mid December. It is not unusual for us to have deep snow banks, but it is unusual for the snow to stay this deep all winter.

The winter has been unseasonably cold, and we have had a lot of days with cold temperatures along with cold north winds. I think we have used the snowblower at least 2 to 3 times a week all winter.